Smart Grids @ SASO2012

We (Anita Sobe and Istvan Fehervari) are currently at the SASO 2012 in Lyon, the main conference on self-organizing and self-adaptive systems, with approximately 100 attendees. The topics of the talks are very wide spread and therefore the attendees and speakers come from different fields where they apply and analyze various SASO systems.
The first day we attendted the Workshop EVAL4SASO, a special session dedicated for the problem of evaluating such complex SASO systems. Here, we presented our paper:
A. Sobe, I. Fehervari, W. Elmenreich
In IEEE SASO Workshop Eval4SASO, Lyon, France, September 2012
It presents a generic evolutionary framework for rapid prototyping and evaluating research ideas on the design and behavior of evolved complex systems. To illustrate its capabilities, we demonstrated a short demo on a sample problem of dynamic pricing in smart microgrids. FREVO is easy to use and we hope it will assist many researchers and engineers. For further details and downloads, see:
We were positively surprised by the high number of attendees focusing their work on Smart Grids. Although the Smart Grid research field is broad and was also reflected by the diverse presentations, all researchers agreed that there are many dynamic and complex problems that should be tackled by the help of self-organizing algorithms and mechanisms.

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