Need motivation to save energy? – Go for social media competition!

There is a large potential by closely monitoring the energy consumption of your appliances in a comprehensive overview. Being aware of the largest energy consumers and the general energy demand over the day, one can optimize his/her household to reduce power consumption or to shift consumption to a daytime where the demand/supply situation is better.
However, what is the motivation to do so?
As it can be seen in other situations (like riding a bike vs. taking the car, etc.), saving a few bucks might not be enough motivation to effectively change the consumers’ behavior.
Austin Montgomery, University of Waterloo gives a possible solution to this problem in his video “Making the Smart Grid Smarter with Social Media”: make it a competition on social networks!


By the way, this is my favorite video from the IEEE SmartGridComm 2011 video contest. Check for the other nominated clips.

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