
Home appliance energy usage

The Smart Grid will help to balance energy production and consumption. While we are waiting for the Smart Grid to come, there is something we can do meanwhile – optimizing the energy usage of our local network of electrical appliances. Because one thing is for sure: energy does not come for free now and won’t […]

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Need motivation to save energy? – Go for social media competition!

There is a large potential by closely monitoring the energy consumption of your appliances in a comprehensive overview. Being aware of the largest energy consumers and the general energy demand over the day, one can optimize his/her household to reduce power consumption or to shift consumption to a daytime where the demand/supply situation is better.However, […]

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Siemens smart grid innovation contest winning ideas

In April 2011, Siemens called for an idea contest on Smart Grid Innovation. Now, the four best ideas out of 464 submitted contributions have been announced in an award ceremony in Berlin on September 15th. The winning ideas in short: Christian Huder from EIT ICT Labs, (Germany) won one of the four prices with his […]

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Google and Microsoft back away from online power metering

Google PowerMeter and Microsoft Hohm are online web applications that enable consumers to analyze their energy usage and provide energy saving recommendations. The basic idea is to have an  application in the cloud that is using predictions, smart meters, and energy monitoring devices in order to provide you with information and recommendations about your home’s […]

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Three PhD Positions on Smart Energy Systems in Klagenfurt, Austria

Lakeside Labs is looking for researchers in the area of smart energy systems. We work on integrating energy producers and consumers into a smart electricity grid. The goal is to build up a microgrid lab and perform applied research with industrial partners. Three PhD candidates will be hired. Potential candidates must hold a master degree […]

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e-Energy 2012: where energy, computing and communication meet

Call for Papers Third International Conference on Future Energy Systems May 9-11, 2012 — Madrid, Spain e-Energy is the conference on future energy systems, where energy, computing and communication meet. The first e-Energy conference was held in April 2010, in Passau (Germany), and the second took place in May/June 2011 at Columbia University, in […]

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IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: Smart Grid Communications Series

The IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) has inaugurated a new series on communications for Smart Grid. “Smart Grid” refers to the modernization of the electric grid to enable more efficient generation, transmission, distribution, and usage of energy, resulting in sustainable energy production and consumption with reduced adverse effects on the environment and […]

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The smart grid challenge

The transformation of our energy system from fossil fuel resources to sustainable resources is one of the great challenges of our time, but opens also a great chance for establishing a more efficient and robust distribution of energy to the benefit of all its users. A way to do this is the intelligent integration of […]

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